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Belton Lane Primary School

Belton LanePrimary School

Standards & Progress

At Belton Lane our aim is to continue to raise standards and ensure all pupils achieve their best. The school is committed to improving the quality of learning and teaching.

We always track the progress of our children very carefully. This ensures that we know who is making progress, who needs extending with their learning and if any children need additional support.  Teachers are continually observing and recording children’s progress and we have regular meetings to discuss children’s attainment and progress. In addition, we have in-school and national tests to measure how well our children have achieved. We use the outcomes of all these different types of ‘assessment’ to plan each child’s next stage in learning.

We also encourage our children to self-assess and work with a partner to peer assess. This is so that our children have ownership of their learning journey and know what their targets are and how they can achieve them.

Key Stage 2 

Please see the information below.

Belton Lane Community Primary School - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK